Monday, April 1, 2013

Oh, dang...

I had forgot all about this blog...
sorry *blush*

So - it's April. April 1st, actually... April Fools' day.

I hate April Fools. I hate practical jokes. In our family this day is the Contrary Day.
Today we'll do things in the reverse order, eat dessert for breakfast and breakfast for dinner.
We eat things we don't usually eat.
We'll wear mittens in feet and the sweater as pants.
We turn left when we are supposed to go right.
We do the things we are most afraid to do.
We do the exact opposite of what we are asked to do
We especially mote our negative thoughts and words. If I tell myself I'm ugly, I say "no, you're wrong, I'm beautiful!"
It's a "yes!" day, a day of trying out new things, taking new paths, thinking new thoughts...

So - here's a couple of prompts to you:

- Learn about the tarot fool and write a Fool's Journey

- Learn about the Holy Fools

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