Thursday, September 19, 2019

Fancy that...

not a year later! Just three months and some :-)

Here's story plot ideas

- collect ideas and inspiration - go through your collection every now and then and combine bits and bobs to see what happens
- retell a story - tell the story from all the different characters' point of view.

- idea brainstorming
- get inspired by images, for example British Museum's collections
- Try a story idea generator
- Open a book to a random page and write out the first sentence your finger lands on.
- Find a song you love and Google its lyrics.
- google "photo a day" prompt list and freewrite about the theme

To get random results, go to Wikipedia main page
From today's featured article
Did you know...
In the news
On this day
Today's featured picture

What I found inspiring on the page was

"did you know that the Roman temple of Bziza, dedicated to the Semitic god Azizos, was converted to a church by the Byzantines?"
What if the God stayed in the temple (why wouldn't he), and is now being worshiped by all in that church, even though they say the Christian words?
Also, interesting here is that Azizos was the God of Morning Star. And Lucifer was also Morning Star... So they are worshiping Lucifer in that church...
Azizos was also associated with Ares. 

"did you know that Better Together's "The woman who made up her mind" advert opposing Scottish independence so upset politician Sandra Grieve that she changed her mind and began supporting independence?"
Sounds interesting.

and Today's featured picture which was about Aletta Jacobs
Sounds interesting. Someone should make a movie about her.

If you find nothing interesting,  get a random number between 1 and 100.
Take the word that comes up as that number in "from today's featured article" and make a google search with that word - then go to the result of that number -
like today I got 43, the featured article was about James Park Woods, and the 43rd word was "force", and the 43rd google result was "Team Yankee Forces".
Absolutely boring and not a bit inspiring to me :-D So, great that I was already inspired by what was on that page ;-)

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