Thursday, September 19, 2019

Fancy that...

not a year later! Just three months and some :-)

Here's story plot ideas

- collect ideas and inspiration - go through your collection every now and then and combine bits and bobs to see what happens
- retell a story - tell the story from all the different characters' point of view.

- idea brainstorming
- get inspired by images, for example British Museum's collections
- Try a story idea generator
- Open a book to a random page and write out the first sentence your finger lands on.
- Find a song you love and Google its lyrics.
- google "photo a day" prompt list and freewrite about the theme

To get random results, go to Wikipedia main page
From today's featured article
Did you know...
In the news
On this day
Today's featured picture

What I found inspiring on the page was

"did you know that the Roman temple of Bziza, dedicated to the Semitic god Azizos, was converted to a church by the Byzantines?"
What if the God stayed in the temple (why wouldn't he), and is now being worshiped by all in that church, even though they say the Christian words?
Also, interesting here is that Azizos was the God of Morning Star. And Lucifer was also Morning Star... So they are worshiping Lucifer in that church...
Azizos was also associated with Ares. 

"did you know that Better Together's "The woman who made up her mind" advert opposing Scottish independence so upset politician Sandra Grieve that she changed her mind and began supporting independence?"
Sounds interesting.

and Today's featured picture which was about Aletta Jacobs
Sounds interesting. Someone should make a movie about her.

If you find nothing interesting,  get a random number between 1 and 100.
Take the word that comes up as that number in "from today's featured article" and make a google search with that word - then go to the result of that number -
like today I got 43, the featured article was about James Park Woods, and the 43rd word was "force", and the 43rd google result was "Team Yankee Forces".
Absolutely boring and not a bit inspiring to me :-D So, great that I was already inspired by what was on that page ;-)

Thursday, June 6, 2019

June 2019

I'm improving! Only half a year since last visit!

I found this:

25 Fantasy Writing Prompts
34 More Scifi and Fantasy Writing Prompts

 It's about 2 weeks to Midsummer. Let's write about that.

Read about Midsummer celebrations around the world.

Now, create your ideal Midsummer celebration. Create a Pagan family with at least three generation. There should be children in the family. Tell about this family's Midsummer celebration.

If you would describe Midsummer with one word, what would that word be? Write a short story that embodies the word.

Write about what makes summer a summer, whether things you like or things you hate.

Write about fire. You can write about real fire, or the fire inside.

Write your own myth about how sun came to be.

Write about passion, love and sex

Write about parenthood

Find a myth about a Sun deity and retell that story

10 brilliant retellings of classical myths

Write about the Yellow Rose of Texas.

Watch St.Elmo's Fire and write a Pagan version of it

June 2nd was International Sex Workers' Day - to create awareness for the problems and violence against sex workers. Do your part and write a story to make people aware of that sex workers are people, too, and should get the same rights and privileges as all the other workers. If you are against sex work, write about that.

Write your version of The Midsummer Night's Dream

What does honey mean to you? Write a story about honey - or honey wine, honey bread (gingerbread), or other honey derivate.

This is Russian honeycake. Bake it for Midsummer.

 Write a story about an emerald.

Write a story about a horse.

Write a story about a robin. (The Secret Garden is one of the best known stories about a robin :-D)

Read the Russian fairy tale about the Firebird and then retell it

"He goes in and the door is shut. I think we will not open the door or follow him. 
I think that just now we are not wanted there. 
I think it will be best for us to go quickly and quietly away. 
At the end of the field, among the thin gold spikes of grass
 and the harebells and Gipsy roses and St. John's Wort, 
we may just take one last look, over our shoulders, 
at the white house where neither we nor anyone else is wanted now."
— E. Nesbit

Write a story about a day at the beach.

Write a story about the sights, scents, tastes, sensations and sounds of Midsummer

Write about your favorite Midsummer food, drink, activity, decoration - When was the first time you remember eating the food? Is there a story involved in the decoration?

If you don't celebrate Midsummer, why the heck not!?

"You've never heard of the Trickster King?" Puck asked, shocked.
The girls shook their heads.
"The Prince of Fairies? Robin Goodfellow? The Imp?"
"Do you work for Santa?" Daphne asked.
"I'm a fairy, not an elf!" Puck roared. "You really don't know who I am! 
Doesn't anyone read the classics anymore? Dozens of writers have warned about me. 
I'm in the most famous of all of William Shakespeare's plays."
"I don't remember any Puck in Romeo and Juliet," Sabrina muttered, 
feeling a little amused at how the boy was reacting to his non-celebrity.
"Besides Romeo and Juliet!" Puck shouted. "I'm the star of a Midsummer Night's Dream!"
"Congratulation," Sabrina said flatly. "Never read it."
— Michael Buckley (The Fairy-Tale Detectives) 

What is your favorite summer song? Write a story about that.

Take your favorite Christmas carol and write new lyrics to it, lyrics that fit Midsummer, summer and June.

Write a story about Australia.

Learn more about the Australian Aborigines, and write a fantasy story with people based on the Aborigines.

June 5th is the Danish constitution day and June 6th is the Swedish national day (and May 17th was Norwegian independence day), and June 8th is the day the Vikings ransacked Lindisfarne - so write about vikings.

June 12th is World Day Against Child Labor - write about that

In many places Fathers' Day is celebrated in June. Write about fathers.

June 18th is International Picnic Day - write about a picnic.

June 20th is World Refugee Day. Write about a refugee.

Go to this list of solar deities. Pick 10. Learn more about them. Find myths about them.
Find a defining quality of your deities. For example, Eki, the Basque sun goddess is the protector of humanity and the enemy of all evil spirits. Now, think about how you could "help" her with this job

"The dried yellow petals of St. John's wort, which Old Marie called 'chase-devil' 
for the way it could drive the megrims away. Gaudy calendula, bright as the sun. 
Sweet-smelling lemon balm, guaranteed to lift the spirits with its aroma alone."
Kate Forsyth

Friday, January 11, 2019

January 2019

Oh, dear... it looks like I'm coming by this blog every 18 months or so... Well... better sometimes than never, huh?

1. What is an essential quality, property of a Pagan? Love of everything living? Free spirit? Tolerance? Write a story exhibiting this quality and presenting it as something desirable. Why do you think it is essential, and for Pagans?

2. Write a story about your everyday connection with the spiritual world. Things you do in mundane, everyday, normal situations, like meditating while doing the dishes or spellcasting while cooking.

3. What is your favorite fairytale (or one of them) and what is it teaching?
For example, one of my favorites is Anahita, a Caucasian story, about a prince who fell in love with a poor girl, but she wasn't impressed by him. She demanded he learn an occupation before she marries him. He learned to weave rugs. They got married, and in time he became the king. Then, one day, he was out at war, was captured, and said he was a rug weaver, and asked if he could weave a rug to the foreign queen. His request was granted and he wove a code in the rug, so that his queen could come and rescue him.
I think one of the teachings of this story is that your status can change quickly. A poor girl can become the queen, a prince can become a prisoner. It is good to learn skills to deal with any situation that arises.


Yes, why? Go write about what you really want to write about! 

5. Think back at your life. Do you see God's influence in it (God, Gods, higher power, spiritual force, something else similar). What are some lessons from God in your life?

6. Would you live your life any differently if you weren't Pagan?

7.  Describe a day of an ideal Pagan living a full life spiritually

8. "I need a spell, right now", he said.

9. The book's name is "Spicy". Write it.

10. Pick a random number between 1 and 250. Go here and find your number. That's your writing prompt.

11. Write about this family: 

Here's some suggestions: January writing prompts