"What do you want? No, I mean, really want? No, really really want. Like more than anything. Like you would pay anything to have that, you would die to get it, you would kill to get it, you would do anything to get it...
Yes, yes, I know, my blogs will never get followers, because I'm unreliable. No matter how good my blog post are... but - to the few loyal followers and those who happen upon this blog, here's some writing prompts
1) Think about your favorite fairytale or myth retelling.
Retell the myth of Lugh
2) Tell a story about something that happens at sunset, or where the sunset plays an important role
4) A family made corn dollies, to find the next morning that they have come alive during the night...
6) Write about fruitfulness - as this is Pagan writing prompts, look at fruitfulness from a spiritual point of view.
7) Write about reaping - as this is Pagan writing prompts, look at fruitfulness from a spiritual point of view.
8) Write about prosperity - as this is Pagan writing prompts, look at fruitfulness from a spiritual point of view.
9) Write about first harvest, first fruits - as this is Pagan writing prompts, look at fruitfulness from a spiritual point of view.
10) write about transformation, purification, change and sacrifice - as this is Pagan writing prompts, look at fruitfulness from a spiritual point of view.
17) Write a story where a carnelian or an object made of carnelian plays a role
18) Write about what makes autumn autumn, whether things you like or things you hate.
19) Write your own cereal myth, how wheat, corn, spelt, what ever became to be and how people found it, and "tamed" it, about the first bread or porridge or what ever you think people made of cereals
20) August 12th was the Middle Child Day - celebrate the Middle Children by writing a story where your hero is one
21) August 18th was the Mail Order Catalogue day. Write a story where a mail order catalogue or mail ordering plays a big role.
22) Write "Lammas Night's Dream" or "Lammas Eve"
23) Write a story about a rooster
24) Write a story about a phoenix
25) Write a story about a basilisk - where the basilisk is a good creature
27) “Because somehow, the sun rises each day. Emerging from the horizon, brighter and more beautiful than the previous day. You'll rise from the horizon too, learning to trust again. Learning to love again. Learning to heal. You'll emerge so bright that the haters will be blinded. And darling, you'll be the sun then, bright and beautiful, but they won't be your sunflowers.”
28) “They lay on their heathery beds and listened to all the sounds of the night. They heard the little grunt of a hedgehog going by. They saw the flicker of bats overhead. They smelt the drifting scent of honeysuckle, and the delicious smell of wild thyme crushed under their bodies. A reed-warbler sang a beautiful little song in the reeds below, and then another answered.” ― Enid Blyton, The Secret Island
29) “Forget who you are and why you're here-all that foolishness. In the woods the bushes are full of blueberries; go and pick some.” ― Marty Rubin
30) write a story about a family that goes to the woods to pick berries
32) August 22nd is the Tooth Fairy Day. Write about the Tooth Fairy
33) Take your favorite Christmas carol and write new lyrics to it, lyrics that fit Lammas, late summer, early autumn and August.
34) Write about deep greens, golden yellows, shimmering bronzes, tanned browns, the golds and browns of cereals and golden wheat fields, the dusty sage green of hay,
35) I lie amid the Goldenrod, I love to see it lean and nod; I love to feel the grassy sod Whose kindly breast will hold me last, Whose patient arms will fold me fast!— Fold me from sunshine and from song, Fold me from sorrow and from wrong: Through gleaming gates of Goldenrod I'll pass into the rest of God.
38. Write a satirical story about an orphanage that is managed as if it were an animal shelter, or write about an animal shelter that is managed as if it were an orphanage.
39. Children are delighted when a mama cat gives birth to a litter of five orange tabbies and one little gray runt.
40. A single mother leaves her two teenage children home alone for the summer.
41. A woman has three children, all of whom are soldiers in a military that is at war. Within the span of three days, she learns that two of her children were killed in combat. Six weeks later, there’s a knock at the door. When she opens it, she finds her third child standing there — the same child who convinced the other two to enlist.
42. The protagonist is raking leaves on the lawn. He or she pauses for a breath and glances at the neighbors’ lawn. They never rake their leaves, the protagonist thinks, and their dog is always using my yard as a latrine. The protagonist decides to do something about these inconsiderate neighbors.
43. The year is 1623. A visitor arrives in a small, tribal village in Nigeria. The visitor is wearing blue jeans, an old rock-band t-shirt, and a fedora and is carrying a pack that contains a solar-powered laptop computer.
44. The protagonist walks into his or her house and it’s completely different — furniture, decor, all changed. It doesn’t look like the same house anymore. And no-body’s home.
45. Scientists have figured out how to create hybrids: dog-people, cat-insects, and bird-fish. One of their experiments goes terribly wrong and unleashes a swarm of hybrid predators on the population.
46. Two athletes competing (either at an individual sport or on opposing teams) get stuck somewhere together (broken-down bus in a remote location, elevator, etc.) and fall in love.
47. The Great Depression filled the space between America’s Prohibition (which was still in effect during the Depression) and World War II. The Depression affected the entire world. Well-to-do people lost everything and found themselves standing in food lines. Ordinary people went to extraordinary measures to get a meager meal. Meanwhile, someone, somewhere profited.
48. It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Wait — no, it’s not! The holidays are cheesy. Bah humbug!
49. Two siblings capture a butterfly and a moth and proceed to argue over which insect is superior.